Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1st Post for English

Hi everyone I'm back! Sorry to disappoint you but this is a serious blog post that will be graded for English, so unfortunately there will be no "random" things in this post. Sigh.
I'm writing about something that took place today on the bus home from school. Usually, sitting on a creaky, slow SBS bus that looks and feels like it's going to break down any minute is not my cup of tea, but recently, the number 155 bus service has been upgraded to one of the sleeker, newer buses. Great!
These new buses are faster, cleaner, less creaky and above all, electronic! Now it's goodbye to bus drivers sauntering out of the bus to smoke on the pretense of changing the sign for the current bus route; they can simply press a button and the sign is changed!
Anyway, during the bus trip, I noticed this man sitting somewhere in the front. He was in his late forties at a guess, wearing a white shirt and khaki trousers. Actually, I didn't take much notice of him until he leaned over to his neighbour and said in a rather loud voice," Isn't it sad how Singaporeans call their city 'clean and green' when they litter so much? I mean, look at all this rubbish on this floor!"
He nudged an empty McDonald's fries carton, several crumpled tissues and a straw with his shoe.
"Why don't they practice what they preach? It's so sad how people litter so much these days," he said, sighing dramatically.
"Sir, if you want to do something about it, no one's stopping you from writing to the newspaper or disposing of that litter. " his neighbour, a Malay woman, replied. She was looking slightly irritated as she had been typing a long SMS.
I was surprised by this man's reaction to all the litter on the floor of the bus. After all, almost nobody bothered to pick up litter or even comment about it in public. Usually they would just walk right past or find a different seat on the bus. Maybe the man was a foreigner and didn't know how things are done here in Singapore.
Still, I suppose he has a point. We should practice what we preach. Litter is becoming a serious issue in Singapore as more and more people are prone to throwing their used tissues, sweet wrappers, etc. wherever they please rather than in the dustbin. I feel that we should do something about the situation before it gets out of hand.
That concludes this blog post. See you next time!


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