Saturday, January 9, 2010

Boring blog visitor stuff

Note to all: Apparently, there has been some confusion over the term "boring blog visitor stuff". Some ppl believe it to be "boring stuff for blog visitors" while other more paranoid or angrier ppl believe it to be "stuff for boring blog visitors". Therefore, this post has been kindly split into 2 sections:

1. boring stuff for blog visitors
2.stuff for boring blog visitors

To choose, simply look for the sections in this post with the appropriate number. I hope it's the first one.

1. Boring stuff for blog visitors

good you made the right choice! Let us begin:

1.Feed the fish every 15 seconds
2.Listen to the same song for 10 minutes straight
3.idolize me (this shouldn't be boring)
4.Visit all links on this blog in any order for the next 1/2 hr
5.Vote for poll on tastiest food

2.Stuff for boring blog visitors

Dun say I didn't warn you.

1.Count the number of words on the blog.

2.Try to read this blog backwards.

3.Write a dissertation on this blog's use of verb & adjective conjugation.

4. Cut and paste all the text from each page into your word processor to double check my spelling.

5. Calculate the average number of text characters on this blog.

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